by Iris Fitzgerald
Hello God, I want to impress you today to let you see my heart in my own special way.
Lord , now may I sing for you because you made my voice to give thanks to you because it is my choice,
Lord, I will smile for you because I really love you
Lord, I will praise you because you love me so
It is you I care for God and I want you to know I will tell the story where ever I go,
I will tell how Jesus die so we could live to give us life of freedom, and victory,
So Lord this is my promise until the day I die, I will trust and abide in you without my selfish pride.
So please look at me impress you for there is no other,
You listen to me and you never think it is a bother,
Lord tell me again how much you care,
because even when I feel alone I will always know you are there.